Any student who purchases a Meal Plan, Block, and/or Dining Dollars enters into a legally binding contract with ISU Dining. Along with the terms below, the 2024-25 ISU Dining Contract Terms and Conditions, the ISU Dining website, and the University Policy library are included in the contract. It’s the student’s responsibility to become familiar with all contract provisions.

Meal Plan Eligibility and Requirements

ISU Dining will use your University issued ID number to access your University balance, your registrations status, and your in-term address to determine your eligibility for and the requirement to purchase Meal Plans, Blocks, and Dining Dollars.  


To be eligible to purchase a Meal Plan, Block, and/or Dining Dollars, students must be in good financial standing with ISU and: 

  • enrolled as a student at ISU, or
  • enrolled in the Admissions Partnership Program.

ISU Staff members who wish to purchase a Faculty and Staff Plan can visit our page. 


  • Required Areas – First year Residents assigned to Birch-Welch-Roberts, Barton-Lyon-Freeman, Oak-Elm, Maple-Willow-Larch, Friley, Helser, Eaton, Martin, Buchanan, or Geoffroy halls are required to select either the Cardinal or Gold meal plan.
    • Residents who do not make their own selection will be given the Cardinal plan.
  • Voluntary Areas 
    • Off-campus students assigned to Frederiksen Court, or Schilletter and University Villages are not required to contract for a meal plan.
    • On-campus residents living in Linden or Wallace Hall will not have a meal plan requirement.
    • Students in these locations may choose to purchase any Meal Plan, Block, and/or Dining Dollars amount.
  • Returning Resident Hall Students – Returning students who live in the required meal areas can choose the Cardinal, Gold, or Campanile plan.


Fall 2024 Dates

Subject to change

June 3 Fall dining options available for selection within Housing/Dining Portal.
July 24 Residents of required areas who have not chosen a meal plan will be given the Cardinal Plan
Week of July 24 Fall fees assessed 
August 20 Meal Plans / Dining Dollars available for use.
August 20 Contract begin date.
August 26 Classes begin.

  • Meal Blocks and Dining Dollars can be purchased and repurchased at any time during the academic year.
August 30 Fall meal plan change / cancel deadline

  • Last day to reduce meal plans and blocks for the remainder of the semester depending on eligibility based on housing assignment and contractual terms.  Penalty or Proration may apply.
  • Dining dollars can be increased but not reduced.  
  • Additional block plans can be purchased at any time during the semester.
November 25-29 Thanksgiving Break – certain dining centers are closed. Check hours for retail location availability.
December 7 Last day to receive a refund for fall if changing assignments or leaving ISU.

  • There is no refund of fees during the last 14 days of any term.
December 21 Fall Term Ends

  • Fall meal service ends.
  • All unused meals on Gold and Campanile plans expire. Unused Block Meals and Dining Dollars roll over for use during the spring semester.


Spring 2025 Dates Event
December 2 Spring dining options are available for selection within Housing/Dining Portal.
December 23 Residents newly assigned to required areas who have not chosen a meal plan will be given the Cardinal Plan.
December 23 Spring fees assessed.
January 15 Depending on eligibility based on housing assignment and contractual term, last day to change to meal plans, blocks or dining dollars for full credit.
January 16 Contract begin date.

Meal Plans / Dining Dollars available for use.  

January 21 Classes begin.
January 24 Spring meal plan change / cancel deadline.

  • Last day to reduce meal plans and blocks for the remainder of the semester depending on eligibility based on housing assignment and contractual terms.  Penalty or Proration may apply.
  • Dining dollars can be increased but not reduced.  
  • Additional block plans can be purchased at any time during the semester.
March 17-21 Spring Break – certain dining centers are closed. Check hours for retail location availability.
April 27 Last day to receive a refund for spring if changing assignments or leaving ISU.

  • There is no refund of fees during the last 14 days of any term.
May 17, 2025 Spring term ends.

All unused meals and dining dollars expire.